Risø radiation instruments

Based on many years of research and development in luminescence dosimetry, the Radiation Instruments Section offers instruments for radiation dosimetry, in particular the Risø TL/OSL Reader. Low-level beta multi-counter systems are also produced and sold.

Special instruments for radiation dosimetry, dating and environmental measurements are available based on Risø’s research and development in luminescence dosimetry and development of multicounters for the measurement of low-level beta radioactivity in environmental samples.

Risø TL/OSL reader

Risø TL/OSL-DA-20

The combined TL/OSL reader, model Risø TL/OSL-DA-20, is a product of many years of research and development.

Risø low-level beta GM multicounter system

Risø GM-25-5A

Low-level beta GM multicounter system.

Risø gamma spectrometer with cups

Gamma spectrometer

The Risø scintillation gamma spectrometry system is intended for routine analysis of natural radionuclide activity concentrations for use in dosimetry calculations in luminescence age determination.