
The radioluminescence attachment comprises:

  • A beta irradiator modified to facilitate detection of light signal during irradiation. The beta source is lifted 7 mm, which reduces the dose rate to about half.
  • A Hamamatsu H7421-50 Photon counting head with spectral response 380-890 nm, thermoelectrically cooled.
  • Lumatec liquid light guide (Transmission range of 350- 2000 nm).
  • Detection filter holder and Chroma D 900/100 interference filter (band pass : 850-945 nm FWHM).
  • Electronics for switching between counter input from RL PMT and standard PMT (built into the Controller).
  • Power supply for Hamamatsu H7421-50 Photon counting head and thermoelectric cooler (built into the Risø Controller).
  • A powerful UV LED ( 395 nm, 10 W) placed in a special bleaching position that may be used to bleach the samples during a sequence.
Radioluminescence system

The Sequence editor software supports a command for making RL data acquisition, and a program, RLanalyse, is supplied for analysing RL decay curves.